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To empower, strengthen and build our community through outreach programs such as homework assistance, peer to peer counseling as well as, substance abuse and self empowering sessions geared to men, women and the youth of our community.


To develop a soup kitchen and clothing drive to feed and provide clothing for those less fortunate.


To build strong leaders with a voice to the nations and the world through leadership trainings, workshops, and seminars.


To establish multiple branches of PFPM throughout the United States

To establish a bible school to educate the children of God in the foundational truths and principals of the bible.


To have a thriving media ministry allowing us to reach millions of souls by way of television, radio and social media to infiltrate this world with the word of God.


To build a dynamic youth ministry one that will build our youth holistically; encouraging them to aim for the stars academically, have a passion for Christ spiritually, and become the next world changers professionally. We have a passion to see young men and women reach their highest potential.


To build a strong evangelical team who will conduct constant outreach events in order to reach the lost.

To open a dance school and talent enlightenment program to aid our youths to grow and utilize their talents and gifts to change the world.

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